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Welcome to the Rab Lab

Know your MVTR, from your hydrostatic head? Your boxwall baffle, from your stitch-through? The Rab Lab is where you can really get down to the details.

Suss out the science behind the designs and discover how waterproofs work, what’s so great about down, and how to build a sleeping bag. Get informed so you can select the right kit for your next adventure.

Fancy yourself as a gear expert? Well, now you can be.

How do waterproofs work?

How does it keep you dry? How does it breathe? And what qualities are most useful for your next mountain adventure.

How does insulation keep you warm?

Discover the differences and similarities between down and synthetic insulation and learn how it works to keep you warm.

How to build a sleeping bag?

When it comes to sleeping bag design, there’s a lot to unpack. Discover the detail that goes into our design to help you select your next bag.

How do waterproofs work?

How does it keep you dry? How does it breathe? And what qualities are most useful for your next mountain adventure.

How does insulation keep you warm?

Discover the differences and similarities between down and synthetic insulation and learn how it works to keep you warm.

How to build a sleeping bag?

When it comes to sleeping bag design, there’s a lot to unpack. Discover the detail that goes into our design to help you select your next bag.

Waterproof Jackets

Insulated Jackets

Sleeping Bags