Tom Randall - Brown Cows Over Utah
Crack climbing, for me, has been all about performance for a really long time. I’ve been on that incessant drive to push my own standards, establish things that are at the limit of the genre and in the process of that, do quite a few first ascents!
Home Climbing Exercises with Lattice Training
Since getting out to the crag or your local climbing wall isn’t possible at the moment, we’ve compiled some of the great climbing training videos produced by our friends at Lattice Training which cover a series of exercises you can do at home.
Can You Be A Pro in Two Sports?
This year has been one of the hardest but also one of the most interesting of my last 10 years as a professional athlete. As many of you who are reading this piece right now, know me as a climber, you’re probably wondering why I put in the title that it’s about being a “pro” in two sports. Well, let me take you on a little journey of the last nine months!