Professional cleaning for Rab sleeping bags and insulated gear, down or synthetic, as well as waterproof outerwear.
Not only will a wash make your gear more comfortable and restore performance, but it will prolong its usable life. That’s good for the planet, and your wallet.
How Service Centre Works
Terms and Conditions
This service is available for Rab apparel and sleeping bags only.
Items not manufactured by us, although we wish we could help you out, will be returned to sender.
Got a damaged and dirty item?
Unfortunately, if your gear is torn or damaged in any way, we can’t put it through the wash. But not to worry, you can get your kit repaired and washed via our repairs service. Simply purchase a repair and select a wash on the same page. Click here for a repair.
We’ll do our best
We’ll do our best to deal with mud stains, and that red wine from after your summit success, but we can’t guarantee all stains will be completely removed. Re-lofting insulation and restoration of waterproof ability cannot be guaranteed either. Heavily soiled items and gear that has not been cared for or stored correctly, is unlikely to recover full performance.